ANSI/BOMA View has a Tool panel and a Space Tree. Functionality of the tool panel includes
Three difference hierarchies for spaces and ANSI/BOMA Categories
Setting of ANSI/BOMA Space Category for selected spaces, and resetting values
A Separate Settings tool
Visualization, DXF exporting, and Space Reporting and GSA Spatial Program BIM Reporting tools
Adding and removing components to and from the Selection Basket
When ANSI/BOMA View is opened, status of critical rules are checked. If critical rules are not run, or they have critical issues without user decisions, a warning message is shown. Critical rules are
Building Envelope Validation - external walls should be defined correctly before usable areas can be calculated.
Space Validation - there shouldn't be overlapping spaces or large empty areas between a wall and a space
Floor and Gross Area Analysis - area of design gross area spaces should be approximately the same as total area of walls, columns and spaces in the same building floor
Show Model Hierarchy button shows spaces in the model organized by floors and ANSI/BOMA Categories (see picture above).
Show Category Hierarchy button shows spaces in the model organized by ANSI/BOMA Categories, PBS Space Types, etc.
Show Occupant Organization button shows spaces in the model organized by Agency Bureau Names, floors, and ANSI/BOMA Categories.
Set Space Category button opens a separate dialog, from where you can set ANSI/BOMA Space Category for the selected spaces. Note that usually ANSI/BOMA category is either defined by PBS Space Type, or the value for the ANSI/BOMA Category is read form the original IFC file. If the model doesn't have GSA specific properties, you can set ANSI/BOMA Categories manually.
Space, whose category you want to change, can be either from spaces in the Selection Basket, or spaces you have selected from the Space Tree. You can add spaces to Selection Basket by
Using Selection Basket handling buttons in ANSI/BOMA View
Using filters in Filtering View
Using Selection Basket tools in Model Tree View (or in some other view - most of the Solibri Views have selection basket tools available)
Using Select tool in 3D View
Select a category for the spaces from the following:
Office Space
"The area where a tenant normally houses personnel and/or furniture", ref. PBS Assignment Guide, Section 3
Store Area (according to PBS Business Assignment Guide this category shouldn't be used)
Building Common
"The areas of a building that provides services or circulation to building tenants but which are not included in the Office or Store are or any specific tenant", ref. PBS Assignment Guide, Section 3
Floor Common (according to PBS Business Assignment Guide this category shouldn't be used)
Vertical Penetration
"The areas such as stairs, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts, vertical ducts and their enclosing walls", ref. PBS Assignment Guide, Section 3
PBS Specific
Not Measured (spaces, which are shouldn't been taken into account, like Terraces)
Settings button opens the Settings dialog. The dialog has too panels, one for the calculation method, and another for the Area Visualization Settings.
Differences in the rentable area calculations are described in Building Properties, R/U Ratio and Area Calculation chapters. When GSA calculation method is selected Building Gross Area w/o Parking is used in USF/GSF Ratio, Skin Ratio, and in Public Space/GSF Ratio. Parking spaces aren't included in Measured Gross Area either (when GSA calculation method is selected).
Area Visualization Settings define, what areas are visualized when a building, a floor, an occupant organization, a category or a space is selected from the Space Tree.
Area Visualization Tool visualizes individual spaces, floor gross area, floor gross measured area, and Floor Office/Building Common/Vertical Penetration areas.
Spaces selected in the space tree are visualized by showing footprint of the floor where spaces are situated, showing the space objects in 2D view (flat), drawing lines corresponding the BOMA usable area, and printing the values of the Space number, Net Area and the Usable Area in to the middle of the space.
Gross Area and Gross Measured Area are visualized by showing their footprints, showing the spaces in the floor in 2D, and printing the values of the Gross Area and Gross Measured Area in the middle.
Floor Office Area, Floor Building Common Area, and Floor Vertical Penetration Area are visualized by showing their footprints, showing the spaces in them in 2D, and printing the area value in the middle.
Open Area Report Dialog opens a separate dialog where all spaces are listed. The space table include the following columns:
Floor Name
Space Number
Space Name
ANSI/BOMA Space Category
PBS Space Category
PBS Space Type
Occupant Billing ID
Occupant Organization Abbreviation
Occupant Organization ID
Occupant Organization Name
Usable Area
Rentable Area
Non-assignable Area
Office Rentable Area
The user can save the data in Excel from Export to Excel button.
Export Spatial Program BIM Report button opens a separate dialog for report settings.
Values in the Project Information table are shown in the first page of the report. You can edit values.
There has to be a rule set open, where the report can read accepted space names. The GSA BIM Guide Validation has the needed rules.
Project Image shows you the picture which will be shown in the first page of the report. It is taken from the 3D View. You can modify the 3D View and update the image by pushing Update button in the right side of the picture.
You can create report a report in pdf or rtf formats. Select the formats you want to.
The report file name and folder are set in the Report File fields. You can change the folder by selecting another folder from the button in the right side of the floder field.
Report button creates the report and Cancel button closes the window.
Selection Basket handling buttons adds or removes spaces selected in the Space Tree to or from the Selection Basket
Add to Selection Basket. Adds selected spaces to the Selection Basket.
Remove from Selection Basket. Removed selected spaces from the Selection Basket.
Set to Selection Basket. Clears the Selection Basket and adds selected spaces to it.
You can export space data and polygon lines to dxf format to be imported to eSmart.
Select folder of the exported files (one txt files including space information and one dxf file for each exported building floor).
The default classification used in space name mapping is eSmart. If you want to use some other classification, you can change the value.
Modify value of Building ID
Uncheck floor you don't want to export
The list of spaces includes exported values. Because values of room names is a specific list, you may have to select exported room names. By default values are read from the selected classification. If you set the room name value in this dialog, the space is classified manually as a side effect (so that you don't have to do it later, if you export the same model).
Possible warnings of missing, wrong or changed values are shown in the bottom part of the dialog