These properties are calculated or determined by Solibri
ANSI/BOMA Category : Value is read from classification 'Space Category (BOMA)'. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Categories::ANSI/BOMA Space Category'. If no value is find, the category is defined based on value of PBS Space Type.
Note that the value can be overridden by using ANSI/BOMA Space Category Handling tool in ANSI/BOMA VIew.
Basic Rentable Area : Calculation rule: Floor RU Ratio * Usable Area. If the GSA Calculation method is in use, the value is the same as Usable Area.
Building Category :Value is based on ANSI/BOMA Category of the space. It is 'Rentable Area' for all office, store, floor common and building common spaces. For other spaces (PBS Specific and Vertical Penetration), the value is 'Non Assignable Space'
GSA BIM Area: The area calculated from the geometry of a space component by removing areas of intersecting columns and walls.
Non-assignable Area:
Value is calculated only for the spaces, whose Building Category is 'Non Assignable Space'. The value is the same as Polygon Area.
Occupant Organization Billing ID:
Value is read from classification 'Occupant Organization Billing ID'. The classification classifies the occupant of the space. Each space should have a relation to an occupant. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Occupant Properties::Occupant Billing ID'.
Occupant Organization Abbreviation: >Value is read from property 'ePset_SpaceOccupant::Space Occupant Organization Abbreviation'. Each space should have a relation to an occupant. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that relation doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Occupant Properties::Occupant Organization Abbreviation'.
Occupant Organization ID: Value is read from classification 'Space Occupant Organization ID'. The classification classifies the occupant of the space. Each space should have a relation to an occupant. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Occupant Properties::Occupant Organization ID'.
Occupant Organization Name: Value is read from property 'ePset_SpaceOccupant::Space Occupant Organization Name. Each space should have a relation to an occupant. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that relation doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Occupant Properties::Occupant Organization Name'.
Occupant Sub-Organization ID: Value is read from classification 'Space Occupant Sub-Organization ID'. The classification classifies the occupant of the space. Each space should have a relation to an occupant. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Occupant Properties::Occupant Sub-Organization ID'.
Office Rentable Area: Value is calculated only for the spaces, whose ANSI/BOMA Category is '01-Office'.The value is calculated by calculation rule: Building RU Ratio * Space Basic Rentable Area.
PBS Space Category : Value is read from classification 'Space Category (Owner)'. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Categories::GSA STAR Space Category'.
PBS Space Type : Value is read from classification 'Space Type (Owner)'. That is the standardized place for that information according to Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. If that classification doesn't exists for the space, the next place to search the value is 'old' GSA specific space property sets 'GSA Space Categories::GSA STAR Space Type.
PBS Usable Area : The value is defined based on ANSI/BOMA Space Category and PBS Space Category. The value is defined only office spaces, and it can be either 'Assignable Space' or 'Joint Use Space'.
Polygon Area : The polygon area is base for the all other space area properties. It includes the space area and bottom area of walls around itself. The amount of wall bottom area depends on the ANSI/BOMA Category of the space. Ref. Area Calculation.
Rentable Area:
Value is calculated only for the spaces, whose ANSI/BOMA Category is '02-Building Common' or '03-Floor Common'.The value is calculated by calculation rule: Building RU Ratio * Space Basic Rentable Area.
Security Zone: Security zones are modeled as zones, which includes spaces. Zones are classified in Spatial Zone Security Level (Owner) classification.
Usable Area : Value is calculated only for the spaces, whose ANSI/BOMA Category is '01-Office'.The value is the same as Polygon Area.
Floor Common Area: Calculation rule: Floor Rentable Area - Floor Usable Area
Floor Gross Area: Total area of the floor including all walls, columns and spaces. If the floor has a Gross Area Compartment (ref. Using Compartmentation), it's area is used. Otherwise, it is the sum of bottom areas of all walls, columns and spaces in the floor.
Floor Major Vertical Penetration Area : Sum of all Vertical Penetration spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
Floor Measured Gross Area : Sum of usage areas of all spaces in the floor.
Floor Office and Rentable Area: Calculation rule: Floor Usable Office Area + Floor Usable Store Area + Floor Usable Building Common Area. If GSA Calculation method is used, Floor Usable Floor Common area is also added.
Floor R/U Ratio : Calculation rule: Floor Rentable Area / Floor Usable Area. If the GSA Calculation method is in use, the value is always 1.
Floor Rentable - Building Common Area : Sum of all Building Common spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
Floor Rentable - Floor Common Area : Sum of all Floor Common spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
Gross Building Area w/o Parking: Parking spaces are removed from Gross Building Area. A space is a parking space, if its GSA STAR Space Type is STP.
Office Polygon Area : Sum of all Office spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
PBS Specific Polygon Area : Sum of all PBS Specific spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
Rentable and Usable Area : Calculation rule: Floor Measured Gross Area - ( Floor Vertical Penetration Area + Floor PBS Specific Area)
Store Polygon Area : Sum of all Store spaces' Usable areas in the floor.
Building R/U Ratio : Calculation rule: Building Rentable Area / ( Building Rentable Area - sum of all Building Common spaces' Usable Area). If GSA Calculation method is used, Sum of all floors' Usable Areas / sum of all floors' Usable Office and Usable Store areas.
Building Rentable Area : Sum of all Office, Store, and Building Common spaces' Usable areas in the building. If GSA Calculation method is used, Floor Common areas are also added.