This rule checks that specific efficiency ratios are inside given limits. It also creates a report including all area and efficiency values.
Running this rule requires definition of Gross Area Compartments and defining glazed wall types. It can also require settings of glazed wall components from its tools panel.
The rule parameters are:
Minimum USF/GSF Ratio: Usable Office Area divided by Gross Building Area
Minimum and Maximum Skin Ratio: Skin Area divided by Gross Building Area
Minimum and Maximum Fenestration Ratio: Window Area divided by Skin Area
Maximum Public Space/GSF Ratio: Public Space Area divided by Gross Building Area
Wall Type Classification: If a wall's construction type is set to be glazed wall in this table, the wall area is totally included in window area.
Analyzing the Results
The rule calculates all ratios mentioned above, and creates issues if they are out of limits.
Reported Data
The rule creates a report containing the following values for each floor and for to whole building:
Gross Building Area
Gross Building Area w/o Parking
Gross Measured Area
Vertical Penetration Area
PBS Specific Area
Floor Rentable Area
Usable Office Area
Usable Building Common Area
Usable Floor Common Area
Floor Usable Area
USF/GSF ( ANSIBOMA calculation method: Usable Office Area / Gross Building Area, GSA calculation method:Usable Office Area / Gross Building Area w/o Parking)
Floor Common Area
Floor R/U
Basic Rentable Office Area
Basic Rentable Building Common Area
Building Rentable Area
Building R/U
Total Rentable Area
Public Space Area
ANSIBOMA calculation method: Public Space Area / Gross Building Area, GSA calculation method: Public Space Area / Gross Building Area w/o Parking
Skin Area
Skin Ratio ( ANSIBOMA calculation method: Skin Area / Gross Building Area, GSA calculation method: Skin Area / Gross Building Area w/o Parking)
Fenestration Area
Fenestration Ratio (Fenestration Area / Skin Ratio)
Usable and rentable areas are calculated according to the ANSI/BOMA standard. They are shortly described in Area Calculation.
Rule Tools
Tools panel of the rule allows you to set walls to be glazed walls. You can either set type of the selected walls to be glazed wall types, or set an individual wall to be a glazed one. You can also highlight all glazed walls in 3D view.