This rule checks that space names, ANSI/BOMA Space Categories, and PBS Space Types are consistent.
The rule parameters are:
Space Names and Required Categories: The rule checks all spaces with the name set in the Space Name Column. The ANSI/BOMA Category and/or PBS Space Type has to be the set ones. E.g. PBS Space Type has to TTO for all spaces with name OFFICE.
It is possible to set a space requirement that the condition is valid only, if the space is surrounded by floor common and building common spaces. This is the case for multi-story office spaces, if the upper portion of the space (named as OPEN TO BELOW) are surrounded by building common and floor common spaces. In this cases the ANSI/BOMA Category should be 4 - Vertical Penetration, and the PBS Space Type should be CRV.
Analyzing the Results
The rule creates issues for each space with non-consistent property values. Issues are collected to categories so, that all spaces with the wrong ANSI/BOMA Category are collected to the same category and all spaces with wrong PBS Space Type are collected to the another category.
Reported Data
The rule does not have a report.
Rule Tools
The rule has no tools.