This rule checks the geometry and location of spaces. It creates issues for spaces, which don't fill the empty volume between walls, slabs, columns and other spaces. It also creates issues about spaces which are intersecting with some other components, and from too low spaces.
The rule parameters are:
The acceptable gap or intersection between a bounding component and a space. Horizontal bounding components are walls, columns, objects and other spaces. Vertical bounding components are other spaces, slabs and roofs. If the intersection or gap between the components is more than the tolerance, an issue is created.
Acceptable error in space perimeter:
Acceptable length of a segment in a space perimeter, where the space is not touching any bounding component. Bounding components are walls, columns, objects and other spaces. If the segment length is more, an issue is created.
Required Space Height:
The minimum acceptable space height. If the space height is less than the required value, an issue is created.
Check Top Surface:
If this is checked, a slab or a roof or the bottom surface of another space has to touch top surface of the space. Suspended ceilings are not always modeled, and in that kind of situation this should be left unchecked to avoid needle issues.
Check Bottom Surface:
If this is checked, the bottom surface of the space must touch a slab or another space.
Intersection Components:
This parameter is a Filter Parameter table. This gives you many options to precisely select the components such as select all components in the Architectural Disciplines or all Columns with Circular profile etc. It also assures comprehensive and more specific results because of defined components. The components defined in the Filter Parameter table 'Intersection Components' are considered by the rule as those components which shouldn't intersect with spaces. If a space is intersecting with some component, an issue is created only, if the component is defined in this parameter. If the Filter Parameter table contains an "Include - Space" filter, then the "Exclude - Space - Space Group Type - Is Defined" filter i.e. exclude space groups filter is automatically added to the Filter Parameter table as shown in the above screenshot.
Check Unallocated Space:
If this is checked, the unallocated spaces (area, that is not occupied by spaces, walls or columns) are searched.
Maximum Allowed Unallocated Space:
The maximum acceptable area of unallocated space ('empty' space). This means area in the floor, which is not occupied by a space, a wall or a column.
Result Categorization Method:
You can categorize results either by spaces or by problem types. If you categorize results by spaces, every space of any kind of problem creates one, and only one issue. All problems related to a space are described in the issue. If you categorize results by problem type, every issue only has one problem.
Use Arrows in Visualization:
If this is checked, separate arrows are added to issue visualization (only when AIN is in use)
Analysing the results:
The rule organizes issues with the following keys:
duplicate - if a space is a duplicate space with some other space
inside - if a space has other spaces or some components (checked component types are listed in Intersecting Components list) inside itself
intersection - if a space in intersecting with components (checked component types are listed in Intersecting Components list)
space intersection - if a space in intersecting with other spaces
bottom - if there is no slab touching to the bottom surface of the space
top - if there is no slab touching to the top surface of the space
height - if the space height is less than the required value
boundary - if a part of space perimeter doesn't touch a wall or column
missing spaces - if there are unallocated areas in some building floor
Issues are categorized according to the problem types and space names.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.