This rule checks values related to GSA Spatial Analysis. The values can be located in GSA related property sets (old locations) or according to Model View Definition "Concept Design BIM 2010" (new locations).
The rule parameters are:
Requirement for Spatial Analysis Properties: A table for the checked value. For each value you can define, if old and/or new locations are accepted. Old location is the same as 'GSA specific property sets', and new locations is defined in Model View Definition 'Concept Design BIM 2010'. You can also define some requirements for the value. This can be done in separate Requirement dialog. You can open the dialog by double-clicking Requirements cell.
Possible requirements are:
positive number (like value of an area)
text with some value
value of given enumeration
You can check existence of the following properties:
ANSI/BOMA Category
Usable Floor Area (BOMA)
Occupant Organization Billing ID
Occupant Organization Abbreviation
Occupant Organization ID
Occupant Organization Name
Occupant Sub-Organization ID
PBS Space Category
PBS Space Type
Security Zone
Check Space Groups: If this is checked, space groups are also checked.
Analyzing the Results
The rule creates an issue for all missing or not acceptable values. Spaces with the same name and same missing or non-acceptable value are collected to one issue. Issues are collected to categories based on the type of problem (missing value, non-acceptable value) and value type.
Reported Data
The rule report has columns for floor of the space and for the space name. And there is a column for each checked value.
Rule Tools
The rule has no tools.