This article describes how to use the Selection Basket tools in Solibri.
In Solibri, the Selection Basket is used to isolate particular components of the model for visualization, checking and information takeoff tasks. With the Selection Basket tools, you can quickly group and manage selected elements within your project. You can use either the Select tool to add components to the Selection Basket in the 3D view or use the Selection Basket tools.
This article covers the following topics:
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You can view and manage the selected components in the Selection Basket view. By default, the Selection Basket view is located in the Information Takeoff layout. You can add the view to any layout from the Views list (upper right corner of the UI).
In the Selection Basket view, you can see and browse the selection basket content in similar hierarchies as in the Model Tree view:
Containment ():
Component ():
Layer ():
Federated floors ():
In addition to the Selection Basket view, you can add components to the Selection Basket from other views such as the Model Tree, Info, Results and Information Takeoff view, by using the Selection Basket tools in the view toolbar:
The Selection Basket has four tools:
Set as the Selection Basket (): To set components to be the content of the the Selection Basket, click . The function is similar to the standard "copy to clipboard" function on any operating system. Each time you click , the current highlighted components are set to the Selection Basket and replace the previous selection.
Add to the Selection Basket (): To add further components to the Selection Basket, click . The components are added to the existing components in the Selection Basket.
Remove from the Selection Basket (): To remove components, click . You can use different model tree hierarchies or classifications to easily add or remove specific components.
Clear the Selection Basket (): To remove all components from the Selection Basket, click .
The Selection Basket tools will only activate after components have been highlighted in the view you are working with.
As a general rule, always start with to set the content of the Selection Basket and modify the contents by adding or removing components from the initial selection.
In the example below, the Model Tree view has been used to drop down to the ground floor and the wall components folder has been highlighted. This can be set using the function:
You can check if components have been added to the Selection Basket from the Status Bar. The lower right corner will show Selected: X where X is the number of components currently in the Selection Basket. In the example below, the ground floor walls have been selected and are visible in the 3D view, while the Status Bar in lower right corner (highlighted) shows there are 25 components: