This rule checks the total areas of spaces by their types.
Running this rule with the default values does not give useful results; this rule has to be configured before use to match the current project.
The rule parameters are:
Occupant Organization Classification: Select the property which should be used as location in housing plan. The possible properties are:
Space Name
Space Number
Occupant Organization Name
Occupant Organization Abbreviation
Occupant Organization Code
Occupant Sub-Organization Code
Occupant Organization ID
Space Group Name (name of the space group the space is included in)
Add Space Name to Report: If this parameter is checked, the space name is added to the report (if the space name isn't selected ias a location).
Space Polygon Areas: A table for target area for each space type and tolerance for it. If the area is smaller or larger than the required target area (including tolerance) an issue is created.
Analyzing the Results
If the total space usable area isn't within limits, an issue is created. An issue is created also, if a space is not found in the Space Type Areas table (if the table has at least one row).
Reported Data
The rule creates a report containing the count of spaces according the selected occupant organization classification and their total usable area. Space name is added to the report, if the parameter 'Add Space Name to Report' is checked.
Rule Tools
The rule has no tools.