This rule checks that external walls defined in the model (ref. Is External property in the wall's Info view) are same as walls surrounding gross area spaces and/or all spaces in the model.
The rule parameters are:
Building Envelope Elements Around All Spaces:
If this parameter is checked, the Components to Check table is enabled.
Components to Check:
With the addition of a Filter Parameter table, the rule allows you to define the space components more precisely and specifically. With the space defined in the Filter Parameter table, rule searches the walls around the defined space(s) and compares external walls to them. Also by default, a row is added to the Filter Parameter table which excludes the space groups so that it should only consider spaces and not space groups.
Building Envelope Elements Around Space Groups:
If this parameter is checked, the Components to Check table is enabled.
Components to Check:
There was 'Space Groups Types' table which is converted to a Filter Parameter table that allows you to define the space group(s) more exactly. With the space group(s) defined in the Filter Parameter table, rule searches walls around space groups and compares external walls to them. Only space groups which are defined in the Components to Check table parameter are used in the search.
Analysing the results:
The rule creates issues if external walls defined in the model are not the same as walls around all spaces and/or space groups. An issue is created also, if external walls aren't defined at all. A wall is an external wall, if the value of property isExternal in Pset_WallCommon is true.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule tool has buttons to visualize
current external walls
walls around all spaces
walls around space groups
original external walls
You can set external walls to be any wall set. You can also open the Compertmentation View to edit external walls manually.