When checking model content and using a rule where components can have a large number of allowed values, such as allowed type, product code, manufacturer code, or postal zip code, the list of values may become quite extensive and difficult to edit and update. The solution is to keep this data in an external list. This article lists the rules where using external data is possibles and explains how you can import and update data using spreadsheets.
This article covers the following topics:
It's also possible to import and export external data in classifications.
If you need to report data out from Solibri, see the section on Reporting.
As mentioned, large lists are easier to maintain in spreadsheets than in Solibri rule tables. Instead of editing and updating the rule tables manually, you can update the table by using the Excel import wizard. Solibri supports both .xls and .xlsx files.
A rule can have several parameters for external data types. Each external data type has its own panel and table in the rule parameters:
In rule templates, this external source will remain linked and can be updated to the rule environment after external editing.
We have included some examples of the Excel worksheets in our sample files data folder:
Windows: C:\Users\Public\Solibri\SOLIBRI\Samples\data
MacOS: Applications > Solibri > Samples> data
When you are creating a ruleset which includes a rule with an external spreadsheet for data, a task to fill in the parameter data before checking is added to the selection of To-Do Task List task automatically. You can then select to add it to the ruleset. On the To-Do List, these tasks are listed under Parameter Values Tasks:
The table below lists the rule templates which include the possibility to use an external spreadsheet for data.
The first column has the name of the rule (with a link to the rule article) and the second column has the title(s) of the parameter tables. The Description column includes a short description of the rule, as well as the purpose of the parameter. The last column includes the names of the column names which should be used in the spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet column names must be an exact match for the spreadsheet file to work properly.
Note that some rules require the use of one or multiple classifications.
Table 1. External Data Types in Rules
Rule |
Parameter Table(s) |
Description of the Rule and Parameter |
Spreadsheet Columns |
Allowed Property Values |
The rule checks that only property values that have been agreed upon are used in the model. You can use a spreadsheet to list the required properties and allowed values used in the project. |
Component Type, Property, Allowed Value |
Ignored Spaces Light Opening Areas |
The rule checks that each space has enough window area which is relative to the floor area of the space. You can use a spreadsheet to list the spaces which should be ignored in the rule. You can use a spreadsheet to specify light opening areas for windows and glass doors. Requires Space Usage Classification. Using Window and Door Classification is optional. Remember to check the local requirements and regulations. |
Classification Name, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number Classification Name, Width, Height, Light Opening Area |
Space Area Limits |
The rule checks that the total area of spaces on each building storey is within required limits. You can use a spreadsheet to specify the allowed maximum and minimum areas for each building storey. |
Floor, Min. Space Area, Max. Space Area |
List of spaces with type and name |
The rule checks that each storey has a required number of spaces of a required type. Only the listed space types are checked. You can use a spreadsheet to define a target count for each space type on each storey. Requires Space Usage Classification. Using Space Group Classification is optional. |
Floor, Classification Name, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number, Required Count |
Area Limits |
The rule checks that the space area is within the required limits. You can use a spreadsheet to define the space area limit values. Requires Space Usage Classification |
Classification Name, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number, Min Area, Max Area |
Space Requirements |
The rule checks that spaces with a special requirement for location (maximum distance to space X, direct access to space Y) are located correctly. You can use a spreadsheet to define the space requirements. Requires Space Usage Classification |
Start Space: Classification Name/Type/Name/Number Destination Space: Classification Name/Type/Name/Number Requirements: Direct Access, Linear Measurement, Must locate in the same floor, Maximum Distance, Minimum Distance |
Ignored Spaces |
The rule checks that all spaces in the model are included in a space group. You can use a spreadsheet to define the spaces which should be ignored. Requires Space Usage Classification |
Space Classification, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number |
#172 Fire Walls Must Have Correct Wall, Door, and Window Types |
Fire Walls, Doors and Windows |
The rule checks that all wall components between different fire zones have correct fire resistant construction types, and that doors and windows in these walls are fire resistant. You can use a spreadsheet to define the fire resisting wall, door, and window types. Each column has an individual list of construction types. |
Wall Type, Door Type, Window Type |
Space Requirements |
The rule checks that all space groups, which contain spaces, have the required number of spaces with the required specified types. You can use a spreadsheet to define the requirements for the space groups containment. |
Space Group Type, Space Group Name, Space Group Number Requirements: Space Type, Space Name, Space Number, Count |
General Requirements Exit Passageway |
The rule checks that it is possible to exit safely from the building in case of fire or other emergency. You can use a spreadsheet to define the general requirements for escape routes. You can use a spreadsheet to define the minimum widths for escape routes. Requires Space Usage Classification, Exits Classification and Vertical Access Classification. Remember to check the local requirements and regulations. |
Classification Name, Travel Distance, Area/Occupant, Exit Count, Start Point Occupants, Total Width of Doors, Total Width of Passageways, Min. Width of Door, Min. Width of Passageway |
Fire Compartment Area Limits |
The rule checks that area of fire compartments is within limits. You can use a spreadsheet to define the allowed areas for fire compartments. Remember to check the local requirements and regulations. |
Building Fire Rating, Fire Compartment Type, Not Sprinklered, Sprinklered |
Ignored Spaces |
This rule checks that all spaces in the model are included in fire compartments. You can use a spreadsheet to define the spaces which should be ignored. Requires Space Usage Classification |
Classification Name, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number |
Property Sets |
The rule checks that the model contains the required property sets and properties. You can use a spreadsheet to define the component-specific property sets. |
Component, Property Set, Property, Value Exists, Value Conditions Value Conditions: Value Type, Condition Visualization: Color |
Required Number of Components |
This rule checks that there is a required number of components in a space. You can use a spreadsheet to define the spaces which have a component requirement. Requires Space Usage Classification and Component Classification |
Space, Space Type, Space Name, Space Number, Component, Minimum, Maximum |
If you have the properties with allowed values listed in an Excel sheet, you can import them into Solibri:
above the parameter table.
Select the file and click Open:
The import wizard appears and shows the available table content. Read carefully the required steps on the top of the table!
First, select which sheet you wish to import and click Next:
Second, ensure that the columns are in that same order as in the target table in the rule parameters. You can change the order from the heading pull down menu. Click Next:
Third, select the rows you want to import into this rule parameter table. Omit the top row with the header values. Click Finish:
The name or the spreadsheet and the file path appear above the parameter table in Solibri. The
icon to shows that this spreadsheet is linked to this table:
In the parameters of the rule, the row editing buttons are greyed out because the table data in the rule parameters is currently locked and can't be edited. This ensures that the rule is only using information that is consistent with your agreed list which is imported from an external Excel sheet.
If you need to change the file, click to unlink the file. The parameter table becomes editable, and you can import and link another spreadsheet file.
If additional rows are added to the table, the whole file will need to be re-imported. The update function only updates any changes within the rows previously imported. Alternatively, you can unlink the current file and add the rows manually in Solibri.
To update the data in the parameter table, you need to edit the external source file. If the file is not stored locally on your machine in the same path, you need to first remove the current file link and import a new spreadsheet.
If the file is stored locally on your machine in the same path:
Open the spreadsheet.
Do the changes and save them.
above the parameter table in Solibri. The table in Solibri is updated.
If the file is not stored locally on your machine in the same path: