This rule is checking, if a specific space includes required components. Spaces can be identified according their usage (classification), type, name, or number. Required components are identified by classification name of the selected classification.
To use this rule, you must classify required components.
The rule parameters are:
Space Classification:
Classification that is used to classify space that are needed to check. Space Usage is the default value.
Component Classification:
Classification that is used to classify component that are needed to check. This could be e.g. classification for furniture or building service components.
Required Number of Components:
The table has columns for space classification name, space type, space name, space number, component classification name, minimum and minimum component counts. On each row, you can specify how many certain kinds of components should be located in certain kind of space. If you don’t want to check minimum count, use zero. If you don’t want to check maximum count, use large number like 10000.
Analysing the results:
This rule uses following category levels:
Space Classification Name
The result can have following kind of problems:
There are no components at all in the space.
There are not enough components in the space.
There are components in the space, although there shouldn’t be any.
There are too many components in the space.
Classification is not loaded.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.