Note that BCF Connector is only available in Solibri v9.10 or older. If you are using Solibri Office or Site v9.12.0 or newer, please refer to the BCF Live Connector documentation.
When you have an existing presentation with issues, you can synchronise it with a project on a BCF server. You can:
Upload the new issue slides to the BCF server
Upload the changes made to the issue slides to the BCF server
Download new issue slides to the existing presentation from the BCF server
Download updates to the issue slides in the existing presentation from the BCF server
When you synchronise issues with a BCF server, ensure that all the issue slides have a title.
To synchronise a presentation:
Right click the presentation in the Presentation view and select Synchronize Presentation from the context menu.
To synchronise using the synchronisation settings you have previously saved, click
You can then go directly to step 5.
If you already have a project selected, go directly to step 3. If no project has been selected, a dialog opens. Select a server and a project from the list and click OK:
For instructions on how to connect to a BCF server, see About BCF Connector.
A dialog opens. Select the actions you wish to take:
If you need to select a different project for synchronisation, click Select Project.
To synchronise only the selected issues, mark the Synchronize Selected Issues Only checkbox.
To import edited slides from the BCF server, mark the Add New Issues checkbox.
To update the edited issues from the BCF server, mark the Updates to Issues checkbox.
To edit the filters before you continue, click Edit Filter.
To upload new slides to the BCF server, mark the Created Issues checkbox.
To upload changes in the slides to the BCF server, mark the Edited Issues checkbox.
To edit the value conversions before you continue, click Value Conversions.
To save these settings for further use, click OK. This doesn't synchronise the issues, it only saves the selections you have made. The dialog closes. You can now click
to synchronise using the saved settings.
Click Sync Now.
If you're importing new issues from the server, a filtering dialog opens. You can filter the imported issues by adding filters. The default value * matches 'any' in the property field. You can add multiple filters by entering them manually. Select the filtering you wish to use and click OK. Note that If you add multiple filters, note that only the issues that match ALL the filters are imported.
To save the filtering you have made, enter a name to it and click Save. The filtering is now available in the drop-down menu for further use.
If there are any conversions which have not been set, a value conversion dialog opens. Map the values between the BCF server and Solibri. Click OK.
To save the mapping you have made, enter a name for it and click Save. The mapping is now available in the drop-down menu for further use.
The presentation is now synchronised. When it's done, a synchronisation report opens. To close the report, click OK: