This article describes how you can use presentations to organize issues into logical groups. You can create presentations in the Communication layout. Presentations can be based on a single ruleset or any combination of rulesets. They can also be used to save model views used for further processing or common viewing locations. You can show presentations as slideshows.
The article covers the following topics:
Presentations are collections of issue slides (in short, issues). They are created to:
Collect the findings from checking results
Save snapshots to share with project participants
Create an audit trial of identified issues
Presentations are saved in the SMC model. The commenting history is also collected and saved with the model. You can add several presentations to your project. You can also add more issues to the current presentation. In the Presentation view, you can create presentations manually (adding issues one by one), from checking results, from BCF, or from ITO results. You can also create reports from presentations. For more information on reports, see here.
When you select a presentation in the Presentation view, the issues included in the presentation are listed in the Issues view. If you select multiple presentations, all the issues are listed:
To add a new issue to a presentation, click New Issue and determine the details of the issue in the Issue Details view. To edit one or multiple issues at the same, select the issue(s) and edit the issue details.
To select which columns are shown, click the Select Columns icon and select the columns:
You can change the order of the columns according to your preferences by dragging columns to their places. You can sort the list of issues by the data in the first column (not the Flagged issues column). To sort by a different column, simply drag the required column to the first position. You can change row order to descending/ascending.
You can mark an individual issue by clicking in the extreme left column of the Issues view table. This will turn a grey flag to black. To mark multiple issues, select them in the Issues view, then right click and select Mark Selected Issues from the context menu. To view only the marked issues, click
in the Issues view toolbar:
To unmark issues, click individually on the black flag in the extreme left column of the Issues view or select multiple issues, then right click and select Unmark Selected Issues from the context menu.
When you create a presentation from issues, you can choose to report the marked issues only.
Marked issues are a temporary selection that cannot be saved.
You can organize issues in the Issue Sorter view. In the Issue Sorter view, you can see the snapshots of the issues in small thumbnails:
If you select multiple presentations in the Presentations view, all the issues of the selected presentations are visible, and they are organized per presentation.
In the Issue Sorting view, you can move, copy, and remove issues. To reorder the issue thumbnails between presentations:
In the Presentations view, select both presentations.
In the Issues view, select the issue(s) you want to move. You can filter the issues based on, for example, labels and then use the flagging functionality explained above.
Drag and drop the issue(s) to the correct place. In this way, the link to the checking results remains.
If you copy and paste an issue to a new place, the copied issue doesn't have the link to the checking results.
To change the thumbnail size (S/M/L) and user information, go to the Presentation settings.