You can search text in the issues of a presentation. To open the Search dialog:
Right-click a presentation in the Presentation view.
Select Search Presentation from the context menu.
A dialog opens:
Type the search text and limit the search using the options below.
Search In: The options search the given string in their respective fields in the Issue Details view (Topic ID, Tracking ID, Title, Description, Comments, Location).
Limit Search: The options allow you to limit the search results by:
Author: Limits the search on issues created by the listed authors.
Commented By: Limits the search to issues commented by the names listed.
Responsibles: Limits the search to issues that have the names listed in the Responsibilities.
Status: Limits the search to issues that have been assigned a status.
Stage: Limits the search to issues that have a stage.
Labels: Shows the current label(s) of the issue in the presentation. If you select a Label, then only those issues are considered for searching that have the label value.
Search by Due Date: Searches the issues with the given due date between the due dates specified.
Search by Modification Date: Searches the issues with the given modification date between the modification dates specified.
To navigate the search results:
To move to the next search result, click Find Next.
To move to the previous search result, click Find Previous.
To find and select all issues that match the search, click Select Matching.
To mark issues with a flag in the Issues view, click Mark Matching.
To close the search, click Close.