In the Issue Details view, you can determine and edit the details of an issue slide. We recommend you to fill at least the Title and Description fields. To edit issue details:
To open the Issue Details view, add an issue slide or select an issue in the Issues view.
Title: Give the issue a title. By default, the title is derived from the category/issue/component name.
Description: You can adjust the information added to the Description in Checking settings. In the settings, you can choose to automatically add the rule name, description, categories, issue name and issue description. To add the default issue description (defined in the settings), click
The location where the original issue slide is created will affect the granularity of the data added here. Issue slides created at a higher level will only contain basic summary information whereas issue slides created at the issue level (triangle) will contain specifics about the components in relation to the specified rule.
You can mark the issue as Accepted, Rejected or Undefined.
Status: You can add a freely defined status (e.g. Assigned, Closed, Open, Resolved, Urgent, On hold).
Issue Type: Error, Info, Unknown, Warning
Stage: You can add a freely defined project stage
Due date: Add a milestone or a deadline for the project. Select the date from the calendar.
Responsibilities and Labels:
In Responsibilities, you can define for example a person, team or discipline responsible for fixing the issue. To add a responsibility, click the + icon on the first row. A dialog box opens. Write your text (e.g. initials or project role) and click OK.
If two or more responsible persons have the same initials, they will all have a unique code colour. The responsible person remains on this list as long as they have at least a single issue assigned to them.
In Labels, you can add an additional label or a tag. To add a label, click the + icon on the second row. A dialog box opens. Write your text and click OK.
Communication tab:
You can add multiple snapshots to one issue. The new snapshot to be added is the current 3D view. To add a new snapshot to the issue, click
If the model has for example been updated and checked, update the slide thumbnail to match the current view by clicking
You can also add images as snapshots. Notice that the image replaces the current snapshot.
To replace a snapshot with an image, click
. Select the image, you can see the preview below:
If you wish to add an image as additional information, first add a new snapshot and then replace it with an image.
To delete an additional snapshot, click
You can add comments to communicate with other project members. Comments are saved with the model. Comments are saved with username and cannot be edited or deleted by other users. This way we can ensure that the revision history of the project is saved.
Components tab: Shows a list of the components that are related to the issue:
These enable the components to be identified in other software such as the BIM authoring tool.
Location: The location information of the issue:
To clear the field, click
Created: Timestamp of when the issue was created.
Author: Username of the issue author.
Topic ID: Unique issue identifier.
Tracking ID: Tracking ID of the issue.
You can select multiple issues in the Issues view and update all the issues simultaneously. You can add general comments to the issues in the Issue Details view.
If the model has been updated, any new or modified issues will need attention, and any closed issues will need to be addressed in the Communications view.