This article gives an introduction to the Ruleset Manager in Solibri Office. While Solibri Offices comes with more than 50 out-of-the-box rulesets that you can use to check your model, at some point you will want to create your own custom ruleset. This can be done in the Ruleset Manager. In Ruleset Manager, you can create new rulesets and modify existing ones.
The article covers the following topics:
In the Ruleset Manager, you can create new rulesets and modify existing ones. You can access the Ruleset Manager by clicking File > Ruleset Manager. In addition to the Ruleset Manager layout, the Ruleset Manager has an Extension Manager layout. You can read more about the Extension Manager in Using the Extension Manager. You can add your own layouts to customize the Ruleset Manager for your personal needs.
The Ruleset Manager layout has six default views: Ruleset Folders, Libraries, Workspace, Info and Parameters.
A ruleset folder is a directory on the computer’s hard disk that contains rulesets. You can have several of these folders open at once in the Ruleset Folders view of the Ruleset Manager. You can have different folders containing differently parameterized rulesets for different purposes.
If you have rulesets open in Solibri, these are also listed in the Ruleset Manager view:
By default, the Rulesets folder in the Solibri installation directory is opened when the Ruleset Manager is first started. The folders that you open are remembered when you close the Ruleset Manager.
The Libraries view lists the rule libraries that are loaded in Solibri Office in a tree in alphabetical order. A library lists all rules that it contains. By default, Solibri Office is delivered with two libraries: solibriConstructionRules.jar, AccessibilityRules.jar. The two libraries contain the rules that are recommended to be used in Solibri Office. You can drag & drop or copy a rule in the library to a ruleset you're editing in the Workspace view.
The Info view in Ruleset Manager shows information on a selected rule or ruleset. The contents of the view depend on the selected item. The information in the view is editable only when you've selected the rule or ruleset in the Workspace view.
In the Workspace view, you can create new rulesets and modify existing rulesets. You can open rules and rulesets from the Ruleset Folders view and Libraries view for editing in the Workspace view. Alternatively, you can also use drag & drop. The Workspace view works with only one ruleset at a time.
In the Workspace view, there is a possibility to add hyperlinks to the rules and the rulesets. These hyperlinks can be saved with the rulesets. They can be included in the Issue Details view, in the Results view and also the same hyperlinks will be included with the presentation issues.