This article describes how you can create a new information takeoff definition.
Solibri includes pre-defined ITO definitions, but you can also create new ones based on your individual requirements. These can be saved externally and reused in other projects. You can also create one or several different Excel reporting templates for each ITO definition to create the reports formatted the way you require.
In Solibri 9.13.6, you have three options for creating an ITO definition. You can either use the drag & drop functionality, create an ITO definition from the Info view via the right click context menu, or create the ITO definition from in the Information Takeoff view. In earlier versions, only the last option is available.
The article covers the following topics:
Related articles:
You can drag component and container properties from the Info view into the empty Information Takeoff view to create a new ITO definition. The following information will be dragged:
Component's Entity
Property you've grabbed (adds a new column)
Count (adds a new column)
The data in the ITO table will be automatically populated based on the component data.
Drag and Drop into empty ITO interface
Result of Drag and Drop for New Information Take off
If you have other Information takeoff definitions loaded then this type of new ITO can be created from right click popup menu in the info view.
Simply select the property in the Info view and then right click - from the popup menu select Create New Information Takeoff.
To create a new ITO definition:
In the Information Takeoff view, click
The Information Takeoff Definition dialog opens:
Give the ITO definition a short descriptive name.
Add a detailed description and function. Click Edit to open the text editor.
Select the way components are listed in the ITO table:
Enable grouping: One row can refer to several components grouped by the similar property values in the component.
One component per row: One row refers to one component.
Include Short Name in Model Columns: This setting is available in Solibri 9.13.4 and newer. When checked, the short name is included in Model columns, such as Model, Project, Site, Building and Component Name.
Components: Filter the components to be analysed. You can include, exclude or ignore components. To select a component, click
To add a row to the new filter, click
For more details, see the article Selecting Components for Filtering article.
Tasks: If you wish, you can list tasks that need to be completed to ensure reliable results. You can add Generic Tasks, User Input Tasks and Ruleset Tasks. To add a new task, click +. A dialog opens:
If you want to add a verification task for a classification, first accept the ITO definition, add the field and then go back to the settings and add a task. You will get the option to verify the classification added as a column.
Click OK. The new ITO definition is opened in the Information Takeoff view. The ITO table is blank, because the data has not been extracted from the model yet.
By default, a new ITO definition has the following columns:
Component (component type, such as wall or door)
Type (construction type)
Count (number of components the row represents)
Color (based on Type column)
You can change the order of the columns, as well as add and remove columns. To edit the columns, right click a column header in the ITO table:
You can also drag and drop columns to change their order. Although each column can be sorted A to Z or Z to A, the priority is driven from the first to the last column in the sheet, from the left to the right of the table.
To populate the table with data, click Takeoff All.