If your system is equipped with both an integrated (e.g. Intel) and a dedicated graphics card (e.g. Nvidia, AMD), it's recommended to configure your system to use the high-performance dedicated graphics card for running Solibri applications. This article describes how you can switch to a dedicated graphics card and configure the settings correctly.
You can configure this through the Graphics Card Control Panel or Windows Graphics Settings. It's recommended to check and confirm the settings in both locations to ensure proper configuration.
The article covers the following topics:
To ensure Solibri uses the dedicated NVIDIA graphics card, follow these steps:
Open NVIDIA Control Panel.
Navigate to Manage 3D Settings.
Under the Program Settings tab, either add or select your version of Solibri to customize.
From the drop-down menu, choose High-performance NVIDIA processor as the preferred graphics processor for Solibri.
To save your changes, click Apply.
If you encounter crashes, particularly during 3D navigation within Solibri, it's recommended to adjust the global settings for your NVIDIA graphics card. Changing the presets to '3D App - Visual Simulation' with the High-performance NVIDIA processor has been shown to resolve most of these issues. Additionally, ensure Solibri is configured to follow these global settings by doing the following:
Since Windows OS can also manage the selection of the graphics processor, it's advisable to set the graphics preference to High performance through Windows Graphics Settings to ensure optimal performance for Solibri.
Follow these steps to configure the settings:
Open Windows Graphics Settings (search for "Graphics Settings" in the Windows Start menu).
Locate Solibri on the list. If you cannot find the required version, click Browse to manually add Solibri from your system.
Select the appropriate version of Solibri.
Next to the application, click Options and choose High performance as the graphics preference, ensuring it uses the dedicated GPU.
To apply the changes, click Save.
After following the above instructions to configure your graphics settings, you can verify if Solibri is utilising the correct display adapter/GPU by checking the GPU information within Solibri itself. To do this: