This rule checks intersections with beams and other components so that a specified component is allowed to pass through a beam in specified area. Components (typically pipes and ducts) which go through the beam in allowed area will not create any issue.
The rule parameters are:
Checked components:
The purpose of the 'Checked Components' Filter Parameter table is to allow the user to select the (beam) components, primarily. The Filter Parameter table allows you to select the components precisely and exactly which improves the efficiency in checking and achieves the optimization of results e.g. by removing unnecessary results. This component contains beams that are the main beams to be checked by the rule. "Checked Components" parameter has a filter by default, which includes all the beams in the model.
Connecting beams:
The purpose of the 'Connecting Beams' Filter Parameter table is to allow you to select the beam which is touching a checked beam on its way. It affects to the allowed area.
Allowed area is the area which is looked from the side of a beam where it is allowed to have some components going through a checked beam.
If beam (1) is the checked beam, beam (6) is a connecting beam. If the beam (2) or beam (3) is a checked beam, beam (5) is a connecting beam. If the beam (5) is a checked beam, beams (6) and (7) are the connecting beams. If beam (4) is a checked beam, beam (7) is a connecting beam. "Connecting Components" parameter has a filter by default, which includes all the beams in the model. This is demonstrated in the following figure:
Supporting Component
The "Supporting Component" is typically a column which is located at the end of a beam to support it which is the component No. 8 as shown in the figure above. "Supporting Components" parameter has a filter by default, which includes all the columns in the model. There can be also beams in supporting components. If one beam is both supporting components and connecting beam, it affects to the allowed area as a supporting component.
Allowed Area:
The 'Allowed Area' table allows the user to specify different distances. Allowed area is a union of rectangles. By default, there are two rectangles defined. When you select a row in the allowed area definition table, the rectangle defined by the row is highlighted in blue. The allowed area can be 'cut' by connecting beams. The cut area is also visualized in the picture.
Please remember that wherever the length is referred in this table, it is the unsupported length and not the length of the beam. These distances can be specified in the following table columns:
End: In the End parameter, you can specify the distance from the beam ends. Beam ends are the locations where the support for a beam starts such as the support of a column (See: Supporting Component).
If you add a row and double click a cell in the 'End' column, you get a dialog box as shown below. In the End dialog, Length is the beam's unsupported length which is used in defining of the allowed area location. Height option simply denotes the height of the beam. The ‘fraction of the selected dimension’ value specifies the fractions of the beams from where the components can pass through the beam.
End min: You can specify a minimum end area which can be taken as a part of the allowed area. The final distance which is used in defining the location of the allowed area is a maximum of the two 'End' distances specified in the 'End' and 'End Minimum' parameters. The area yielded as a result of the maximum of the two end distances is the 'allowed area'.
Top: In the Top parameter, you can specify the distance from the beams's top end. If you add a row and double click a cell in the 'Top' column, you get a dialog box as shown below. In the Top dialog, you can choose between the Length (Length is the beam's unsupported length which is used in defining of the allowed area location) or Height is the beam’s height and specify the 'Fraction of the Selected Dimension'.
The ‘fraction of the selected dimension’ value specifies the fractions of the beams from where the components can pass through the beam.
Top min: You can specify a minimum top area which can be taken as a part of the allowed area. The final distance which is used in defining the location of the allowed area is a maximum of the two 'Top' distances specified in the 'Top' and 'Top Minimum' parameters. The area yielded as a result of the maximum of the two top distances is the 'allowed area'.
Bottom: In the Bottom parameter, you can specify the distance from the beams's bottom end. If you add a row and double click a cell in the 'Bottom' column, you get a dialog box as shown below. In the Bottom dialog, you can choose between the Length (Length is the beam's unsupported length which is used in defining of the allowed area location) or Height is the beam’s height and specify the 'Fraction of the Selected Dimension'.
The ‘fraction of the selected dimension’ value specifies the fractions of the beams from where the components can pass through the beam.
Bottom min: You can specify a minimum bottom area which can be taken as a part of the allowed area. The final distance which is used in defining the location of the allowed area is a maximum of the two 'Bottom' distances specified in the 'Bottom' and 'Bottom Minimum' parameters. The area yielded as a result of the maximum of the two top distances is the 'allowed area'.
Connection: In the Connection parameter, you can specify the allowed area distance from the connecting beams. If you add a row and double click a cell in the 'Connection' column, you get a dialog box as shown below. In the Connection dialog, you can choose between the Length (Length is the beam's unsupported length which is used in defining of the allowed area location) or Height and specify the 'Fraction of the Selected Dimension'.
Connection min: You can specify a minimum connection area which can be taken as a part of the allowed area. The final distance which is used in defining the location of the allowed area is a maximum of the two 'Connection' distances specified in the 'Connection' and 'Connection Minimum' parameters. The area yielded as a result of the maximum of the two top distances is the 'allowed area'.
Components in allowed area:
The "Components in Allowed Area" Filter Parameter table lists the components which are allowed to go through a beam through allowed area or which are allowed to clash a beam in allowed area. By default, three filters are added to the Filter Parameter table consisting of all ducts, pipes and cable carriers as shown in the above screenshot. No issue is created for the components that are not listed in this Filter Parameter table but are intersecting with the beam. For this purpose to be fulfilled, the "General Intersection Rule" should be used.
Allow only components going through a beam:
There can be situation where a component (a pipe or duct, for example) is clashing with a beam but is not passing through it. Instead, it bends while intersecting a beam, as shown below:
To handle such situation, we introduce a check box here that is "Allow only components going through a beam". When this checkbox is checked, only the components going through a beam are allowed and no issue is created in the Results View. If a component is intersecting a beam (even in the allowed area) but it does not pass through a beam, an issue will be generated in the Results View. By default, it is in checked state.
The clearance parameter is used to require a clearance between a a component going through a beam and border of allowed area. If the value is set to be negative, it allows a component to have a small clash with a beam and not-allowed area of the checked beam.
Check Inclined Beams:
This checkbox parameter allows the inclined beams to be checked by the rule. The inclined beams cannot be defined in a Filter Parameter table because the angle of inclination is defined in the rule. By default, this is in unchecked state.
Show allowed intersections:
If this checkbox parameter is in checked state, it allows you to visualize the components that are intersecting with the allowed area. By default, this parameter is in checked state.
Analysing the results:
The rule creates issues for each beam, which has components listed in the Components in Allowed area clashing with the beam somewhere else than in the allowed area.
Possible components going through the allowed area are visualized if 'Show Allowed Intersections' is checked on. Issues are collected to categories, Each beam type has an own category.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.