This rule checks that the model has components of selected types. It also checks that all components have a construction type (if required). It can be used, for example, before quantity take-off to be sure, that the model is complete (e.g. the model includes spaces, if they are required).
Running this rule with the default values does not give useful results; this rule must be configured before use.
The rule parameters are:
Select a discipline you want to check. Only components in the specified discipline are checked. Model discipline can be set in the Model Tree View.
Checking Scope:
This allows you to limit the scope of checking to all models in the given disciplines or at least one model in the given disciplines by selecting from the list either 'Every model in disciplines' or 'At least one model in disciplines'.
Required Classification:
You can require components classified according to a specified Classification (the classification column in Required Components table). The classification is specified here.
Required Components:
A table with the following columns:
Component: Select a component type to check. A separate Component Type Selection dialog is opened from the right side of the combo box. Clicking small + and - boxes in front of discipline names opens or closes the list of component types.
Construction Type Required: The existence of construction type for each component is required, if the checkbox in this column is checked.
Classification Name: If the components in some classification are required, the classification name is set here.
All Rows are Required:
Selecting this option means that the rule passes only when all the rows in the 'Required Components' table are satisfied.
At Least One Row is Required:
Selecting this option means that the rule passes only when at least one of the rows in the 'Required Components' table is satisfied.
Analysing the results:
The rule creates a category for missing component types and missing construction types. Each component type has a separate issue in the categories when needed.
Rule report:
The rule creates a report containing the number of selected components and construction types in the model.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.