This article describes how Property Rule Template with Component Filters works and how you can configure the rule. Typical use cases are related to physical requirements or limitations of specific materials or building environment conditions. This rule is popular when you have to check the prefabricated elements before manufacturing or simply see that all required data is delivered.
The article covers the following topics:
This rule is commonly used to validate model data content. You can check any properties available in your IFC content and ensure that the requirements for that certain component are met.
In this rule, you have to define components in two separate filter tables. In the first table, Components to Check, you have to have at least one component (row) defined. In this table, you have to define the components you want to check. In the second table, Requirements, you have to define a requirement.
With this rule, you can create quite complicated IF - THEN rules: IF the component with required properties in the Components to Check filter is found, THEN it has to also fulfil the additional requirement in the Requirements filter.
In the Parameters view, you can define the components to check and the requirements, as well as the categorisation of the results.
Components to Check: Select the components you wish to check. Note that the rows which have the same components will have logical AND between them, and each of these conditions must pass to get among checked components.
Requirements: Define the requirements for the components. If you add multiple filter rows with values, all those requirements have to pass.
Categorization of Results: Define what information of the components is used in the categorization of the results. Typically, these are items like Discipline, Property, Type, Floor, etc.
If your requirements are not passed, the rule creates an issue. By default, the created issue is moderate (). In the Severity Parameters dialog, you can specify the severity class for specific components, if they are not passed.
When rule #230 is used as the parent rule (§1), the components that pass or fail the requirements are delivered to the next rule. You can choose if you want to check the failed or the passed components. You can also choose to check all the components of the current model, based on if there are any passed or failed components
When rule #230 as is used as the sub-rule, the input for this rule will be the passed components from rule §1. The component has to be set the same as in rule §1 - with additional requirements.
For more information on gatekeeper rules, see here.
Typical use cases for this rule are:
Columns Height vs Diameter Check example: IF the column 'profile' is 'circular' AND shorter than '5m', THEN 'diameter' must be '= 400mm or more'.
External/Internal status for walls, slabs, door, windows and stairs should be defined All walls, slabs, door, windows and stairs should have Pset_*Common.IsExternal 'Defined' <True or False>