The rule is used to check the vertical distance between slabs. You have to classify slabs in a correct way before you can use this rule.
The rule parameters are:
Checked Components:
Checked Components in the 'Checked Components' table are defined using a filter. This parameter works the same way as the table in Filtering view. There is an "Include - Slab" filter as a default filter for the rule.
Check Bottom to Bottom Distances:
If this is checked on, the distance between top of the slab to top of the next slab is checked (floor height).
Equal Distances: If this is checked on, the distance should be the same between all slabs (floor height is the same in the whole building).
Minimum Distance: Minimum distance between the used slab surfaces.
Maximum Distance: Maximum distance between the used slab surfaces.
Check Top to Bottom Distances:
If this is checked on, the distance between top of the slab to bottom of the next slab is checked (floor free height).
Check Top to Top Distances:
If this is checked on, the distance between top of the slab to top of the next slab is checked (floor height).
Analysing the results:
The rule creates issues for all situations, where slab distances are too small or long. If equal distances are required, an issue is created for different distances. An issue is created also, if there are no required discipline or classification.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.