The purpose of this rule is to check relative amounts of components in a specific location or relation.
The rule parameters are:
Component Set 1:
Name for Components in Set 1: The 'Name for Components in Set 1' field allows you to specify a name for the components in Set 1. This specified name is then addressed in the results, if any issue(s) are reported about the components in Set 1.
Components in Set 1: The 'Components in Set 1' allows you to specify components in 'Set 1' using a Filter Parameter.
Component Set 2:
Name for Components in Set 2: The 'Name for Components in Set 2' field allows you to specify a name for the components in Set 2. This specified name is then addressed in the results, if any issue(s) are reported about the components in Set 2.
Components in Set 2: The 'Components in Set 2' allows you to specify components in 'Set 2' using a Filter Parameter.
Required Component Count Ratio:
In the 'Required Component Count Ratio', you can specify the operator and the ratio between the components specified in the set 1 and 2. 'In the same' field, you can also choose any property from the 'Select Property' dialog such as Identification, Location, etc., for the components for which you want to calculate the ratio.
Operator: The Operator lets you specify the criteria for the ratio to be calculated between the 'Components in Set 1 and 2'.
The '=' operator means that the ratio between the two sets of components must be the equal.
The '>' operator means that the ratio of 'Components in Set 1' must be the greater than the 'Components in Set 2'.
The '<' operator means that the ratio of 'Components in Set 1' must be the lesser than the 'Components in Set 2'.
The '>=' operator means that the ratio of 'Components in Set 1' must be at least (equal to or greater) than the 'Components in Set 2'.
The '<=' operator means that the ratio of 'Components in Set 1' must be at most (equal to or lesser) than the 'Components in Set 2'.
The '≠' operator means that the ratio between the two sets of components must not be the equal.
Number of Components in Set 1: Here, you can specify the number of components defined in Set 1 for calculating the ratio.
Number of Components in Set 2: Here, you can specify the number of components defined in Set 2 for calculating the ratio.
In the same: 'In the same' field, you can also choose any property from the 'Select Property' dialog such as Identification, Location, etc for the components for which you want to calculate the ratio.
Analysing the results:
The rule creates issues if the specified ratio is incorrect according to the specified criteria between the components specified in 'Component in Set 1' and 'Component in Set 2'. Rule is not checked if no components are found matching the Filter Parameters in 'Component in Set 1' and 'Component in Set 2'.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.