This rule measures distance between two components that intersect each other. For example, the rule can be used to check that the distance between reinforcing bars and the surface of the concrete element is more than 4 cm. It can also check that the distance between a steel column and architectural model wall should be more than 5 mm.
The rule parameters are:
Components to Check:
There are two Filter Parameters where you can define the Outer and Inner components for checking the rule.
Outer Components: The Filter Parameter is used to define the outer components in the 'Outer Components' table.
Inner Components: The Filter Parameter is used to define the inner components in the 'Inner Components' table.
In 'Checking', you can specify that whether the Outer components are adjoined with each other or not and set the number of inner components used in Checking.
Report orphan inner components: If this check box is checked, issues are created for inner components that do not have matching outer components. In the following screenshot, two orphan components which do not have any outer components are reported.
Combine Adjoining Outer Components: If this check box is checked, then the adjoining outer components are considered as one single source component. You can use this option, if some components are located inside many other components. For example, in some cases, reinforcing bars are passing through more than one wall so this option can be used to specify the wall components as one component.
Set Limits for Number of Inner Components: You can set the limit for the number of Inner Components. You can specify the 'Minimum Amount' and 'Maximum Amount' of inner components inside another component.
Minimum Amount: You can specify the 'Minimum Amount' of the inner components here. If the number of inner components inside another component is less than the minimum amount specified, an issue is created.
Maximum Amount: You can specify the 'Maximum Amount' of the inner components here. If the number of inner components inside another component exceeds the maximum amount specified, an issue is created.
Check Distances Between Outer and Inner Component Surfaces:
Here you can specify whether you want to check the protrusion of the inner components from the outer component or check distance of the inner component to the outer component.
It's recommended to use Check Protrusion of Inner Components and Check Distance to Outer Components in different rules. These two options check different things, so if both are selected in the same rule, the rule results may not be correct.
Min: In this field, you can specify the minimum length of protrusion for the protruding component. It means that how much at least, the inner component can protrude outside from the source component.
Max: In this field, you can specify the maximum length of protrusion for the protruding component. It means that how much at maximum, the inner component can protrude outside from the source component.
Check Distances Between Outer and Inner Component Surfaces: Here you can specify whether you want to check the protrusion of the inner components from the outer component or check distance of the inner component to the outer component or both.
Top Surfaces: The 'Top Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from the outside-top surface of the outside component towards the protruding surface of the inner component. For example, the following screenshot shows the measurement of the distance from the top surface of a column to the (protruding) surface of the reinforcing bar. It shows how much the reinforcing bar is protruding outside from the column.
Side Surfaces: The 'Side Surface' means that the dimension will start from the outside-side surface of the outer component (horizontally) to the protruding inner component. For example, the screenshot below shows the distance that is measured from the side of a wall (outside component) to the Air Terminal passing through the wall.
Bottom Surfaces: The 'Bottom Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from the outside-bottom surface of the outer component (vertically) to the protruding inner component. For example, the following screenshot shows the measurement of the distance from the bottom surface of a road to a sewerage pipe surface, which is inside the road.
Any Surfaces: The 'Any Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from outside-any side of the surface of the target component inside the source component. For example, the screenshot below shows the distance that is measured from a column which is intersecting a slab. It measures the outside distance from any side from the surface of the Slab (outside source component) to the Column (inside protruding component).
Check Distance to Outer Components: This option allows checking the distance of the inner component to the inside surface of the outer component. Minimum and Maximum fields let you specify the length of protrusion.
Top Surfaces: The 'Top Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from the inside-top surface of the outside component towards the inner component. For example, the screenshot below shows the distance that is measured from the top of a wall (outside component) to the (inner component) Air Terminal passing through the wall.
Side Surfaces: The 'Side Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from the inside-side surface of the (outside) target component (horizontally) towards the inner component. For example, the screenshot below shows the distance that is measured from the side of a reinforcing bar to the inside surface of a column.
Bottom Surfaces: The 'Bottom Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from the Inside-Bottom surface of the target component inside the source component. For example, the following image visualizes the distance that is measured from the inside-bottom surface of a slab to an intersecting column.
Any Surfaces: The 'Any Surfaces' means that the dimension will start from Inside-Any side of the surface of the inner component inside the source (outside) component. For example, the screenshot below shows the distance that is measured from a beam which is intersecting a column. It measures the 'Inside' distance from any side from the surface of the beam (inside component) to the Column (outside component).
Here, you can specify the color scheme for the Outer and Inner Components. You can also specify how the results can be categorized.
Outer Component Color: You can specify the color and transparency used for visualizing the outer components of the model.
Inner Component Color: You can specify the color and transparency used for visualizing the inner components of the model.
Categorization of Results:
In this table, you control what information of the components is used in categorization of results. By default, the results are categorized by Floor and Source component type.
Analysing the results:
The rule provides information in the Results View if there is no source or target component(s) defined or if the defined components are not found in the models.
It creates issues if the distance between the source and target component is less than the value specified in the 'Minimum Distance' column of the 'Dimension Requirements' table.
It creates issues if the distance between the source and target component is greater than the value specified in the 'Maximum Distance' column of the 'Dimension Requirements' table.
It creates issues if the number of target component is less than the number specified in the 'Minimum Amount' parameter and similarly, it creates issues if the number of target component exceeds the number specified in the 'Maximum Amount' parameter.
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.