This rule can be used to check different accessibility-related requirements for free space. For example, the rule can be configured to check that a corridor has unobstructed width of 1.2 meters or that a washroom has room for a 1.5-meter wheelchair turning circle.
To use this rule the spaces you must classify spaces by usage.
The rule parameters are:
Space Classification:
Classification used for classifying spaces. Space Classification names are set in the Space Classification Name column in the Free Floor Space Requirements table.
Furniture Classification:
Classification is used to classify the furniture. Furniture Classification names are set in the Choose Requirements panel in the Furniture Distance and Free Space on Side sections in the Furniture Classification parameter, which can be accessed through the Requirements column in the Free Floor Space Requirements.
Free Floor Space Requirements:
This table lists the different free floor space requirements. The table has two columns: Space Classification and Requirements. The Space Classification column indicates the types of spaces to which the requirements in the same row apply. The Requirements column has one or more requirements for the spaces.
The requirements are configured in a dialog where you can select which requirements apply to a given space classification and the parameters of each requirement.
The possible requirements are:
Free Wheelchair Turning Circle
Diameter: This requirement checks that a space contains free space for a circle of a given diameter.
Free Corridor
Width: This requirement checks that a space has a free corridor of the given width.
Subtract Door Swings: If the checkbox is checked, the Door's swing measurement is subtracted from the area.
Free Rectangle: This requirement checks that a space has a free space for a rectangle of given dimensions.
Free Space on Side: This requirement can be used to check that the long side of a minimum bounding rectangle has free space of given length and width. The length of the requirement is measured along the long side of the furniture, and the width is perpendicular to that. The length can be either fixed or free. A free length equals to the dimension of the furniture long side. Typical use cases for this requirement are: Free space next to a toilet seat and free space next to bed. The figure above shows parameterization for a toilet seat where the front end of the seat must be 70 cm from the wall and there must be 90 cm free space next to a toilet seat. The following figure shows parametrization for a bed that requires 1.10 m empty space next to it:
Furniture Distance: You can specify here the furniture classification, minimum distance and maximum distance between the furniture. When the double-sided checkbox is selected, there needs to be a wall within the given minimum and maximum value of both sides, otherwise only on one side.
Analysing the results:
The rule uses three-level categorization in results. The main level category is the classification of the spaces that the door connects. The second category level is the type of the issue. The third category level is the type of spaces. The rule creates following types of issues:
No Free Floor for Wheelchair Turning Space ø 1.5 m
No Free Floor for a 3.0 m Wide Corridor
No Free Floor Next to Bed
Rule report:
The rule does not have a report.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.