The rule compares two models and reports their differences. It should be used to compare modifications between two version of the same model, for example, differences between an architectural model and its previous version. The best comparison results are gotten when the unique ids remain unchanged between the old and the new model. However, this is not necessary. When the unique id changes between versions, geometry is used as an alternative way of finding the modified components.
The rule parameters are:
Old Model, New Model:
Here you can specify the models that are compared. When the rule knows which of the models is the older one, the result definitions are correct (which components are added, and which deleted). By default, the first model in the Model Tree is handled as the Old Model and the second model as the New Model.
You can define the visualization colors for the old and new version (color and transparency) by double clicking the color button on the right-side of the selected model. By default, the deleted and modified components in the older version are visualized in red with 60% transparency. Added and modified components in the new version are visualized in dark blue with 60% transparency.
Identify components only with GUID:
When this checkbox is checked, only component's GUID is used when same components are searched for checking. The other properties of the components such as Type, Location and Geometry are not used.
Checked Components:
Checked Components allows you to select a component and specify its Property with the help of the following dialog as shown below. You can choose among different options such as Identification (BATID, GUID, Discipline etc), Location (Bottom Elevation, Top Elevation, Nearest Space etc), Property Sets (Property Set, Property Set Name, Format etc) and Classification. This gives you more options to specify components for the rule.
Here, in the case of this rule, you can specify component(s) that are going to be used for comparison between the two models. The components specified in the 'Checked Components' table, only they are taken into consideration for comparison between the two models.
Here you can select what modifications you are interested in.
If this is checked, the rule creates issues for all components, whose geometry is changed.
Compared Properties:
'Compared Properties' table allows you to add a property which is chosen from the 'Select Property' dialog box. This dialog box appears when a row is added to the 'Compared Properties' table. In this table you can list the properties whose modifications are of interest to you. If you are interested in modifications of property sets, you can also use wild chars (* and ?) in property set and property names.
You can configure the options in the Report section and using the table with Compared Components and Reported Property columns. The table with the Compared Components and Report Property columns is moved to the Report section. It includes the following sections:
Report Columns: In this table, you can define the report classifying columns and their order. By checking the Visible check box, you can define if the property is used as a column in the report or not. The order of the columns can be changed by selecting a row and pushing Move Up or Move Down buttons on the right side of the table.
Compared Components: You can list component types whose modifications you want to check. Adding a new row to the list opens a Component Selection dialog where you can select one or more component types to be checked. Selecting the option: 'Any', checks all component types in the model.
Reported Property: List of component types and their properties which are included in the rule report. The report lists differences in quantity or count between the old and new model. The components that have not been modified are not listed. When you add a new row to the list, you’ll have a Component Selection dialog where you can select one or more component types to be reported. When you have defined a reported component, you have to define the reported property from the combo box in the property column. List of properties depends on the selected component type. You can report multiple properties of the same component by adding a separate row for each property.
Analysing the results:
The rule creates own categories for added, deleted, and modified components.
Deleted and added components are collected into issues which are categorized according to their type. All components of the same construction type (e.g. walls of type IW-1) are collected in one issue.
Modified components are categorized according to the component type and modified property. For example, all roof components, whose geometry and quantity are modified, are collected in one category. There are subcategories for each construction type. Each modified component has an own issue, and the issue description tells what properties have been changed including the old and new value for the changed property.
Rule report:
The rule has a configurable report about changed values between the models. If there are no modifications in the properties listed in the “Reported Properties” table, the report table is empty. You can add and remove reported properties and the order the report from the rule parameters.
The following example shows that the area of wall with type EW-1 in the Ground floor has increased with 2.58m2 and in the Roof decreased by -0.58m2.
Rule tools:
The rule does not have any tools.