Rule ID: SUK/1017/2.3
Changes and improvements to the Fire Stopping rules may have an impact on any existing results, please take the time to review to the changes. See Update Log for BIM Coordination + Extension.
This article describes the Fire Stopping Advanced Identity Rule that has been developed by Solibri UK Ltd as part of the BIM Coordination + Library.
The rule is available for Solibri Office or later via a Solibri Extension, which can be downloaded from the Solibri Solution Center.
The article covers the following topics:
Related articles:
The parameters in this rule must be defined by the user to give meaningful results.
The rule is used to identify where service penetrations occur with compartmentation walls and floors, along options for identifying both the presence of Openings, BWIC's / Fire Seals. It also ensures all service penetrations full penetrate both the compartmentation and are enclosed by Openings and or BWICs/ Fire Seals.
This rule can be used for planning purposes at different stages of the project, determining where service penetrations occur, how many and whether there is a corresponding builder’s work in connection (BWIC), Opening or Fire Seal present.
This rule detects all service penetrations through compartmentation walls and floors. If a panellised floor system exists, a user-defined distance between those panels is considered to group them into a pseudo slab object. This object is then used, rather than the individual compartmentation components, to check for penetrations. This ensures penetrations through potential gaps or cutouts that reside between panels are not missed in the check. Where openings are created that produce no physical void geometry both in walls and floors the rule will still detect these instances, i.e. where no clash exists between services and either the compartmentation or the void geometry.
The rule first finds all penetrations of service components with walls and floors through their corresponding filters, then dependant on the options chosen, checks the presence of a Opening, Fire Seal or both. Other options check the service penetrates fully though and is completely contained within the Openings or Fire Seals.
The rule can be individually configured to give a single result, a selection or all the result types. The result issues indicate the type of failure (Based on option selection) for each of the individual service penetrations.
In the Rule Parameters view define the compartmentation, services and fire seals along with which case types you wish to identify. Alternatively use a predefined Common Parameter Name configuration to consistently utilise the same values for parameters within multiple fire stopping rules, essentially configuring the values only once.
Although this rule does not necessarily require the user to use a classification for each of the filters, it is good practice to use one for the filters in Rule Parameters as they will provide the following:
Help to structure the model geometry allowing easy identification and visualization in the classification of what will be checked
In subsequent fire stopping rules any services or fire seals will require classification values to interact with the FireStoppingRequirements.xlsx
Common Parameters Name: The dropdown list displays the available pre-configured Common Parameter Names. Selecting a pre-configured value from the list automatically hides any common parameters and utilises the definitions in the named common parameter setup. Each filter or parameter controlled by the Common Parameter Name set up can be overridden if required using the override buttons and then configured manually within the rule. For common Parameter Name values see configuring the Common Parameter Rule.
Walls filter: The parameter table defines the compartmentation walls to be checked for service penetrations.
Floors filter: The parameter table defines the compartmentation floors to be checked for service penetrations.
Floor Distance: A distance value can be set so that floor components closer to one another than this value have their footprints combined to become a pseudo floor that is checked against service penetrations.
Services filter: The parameter table defines the services components that will be checked for penetrations that run through compartmentation components.
Service Merge Gap: Set distance to bridge and join gaps in services that would otherwise not fully penetrate the compartmentation component. Connections that terminate either at the edge or within the compartmentation may cause these to be ignored such as dampers that are connected to ducts.
Fire Seals filter: The parameter table defines the fire seal components assigned to service penetrations that should reside at those locations.
Fire Seal on Wall Reduction Tolerance: Defines the dimension that the fire seal (body for calculation) will be reduced by, either side in order to ensure services fully penetrate the fire seal.
Fire Seal on Floor Reduction Tolerance: Defines the dimension that the fire seal (body for calculation) will be reduced, both from the top and bottom to ensure services full penetrate the fire seal.
Models that may have been exported split by level or if service joins occur around the face of the fire seal, services will not fully penetrate the fire seal. Set a small value to effectively reduced the width (walls) or depth (floors) of the fire seal for successfully detecting services if required.
Enable Hollow Fire Seal: Activate check box to enable hollow fire seals to be processed correctly.
Result Options: 6 result options are available to filter the results
Show identified service penetrations that contains a fire seal and an opening
Show identified service penetrations that does not contain either a fire seal or openings (issue A)
Show identified service penetrations that contains an opening but no fire seals (issue B)
Show identified service penetrations that contains a fire seal but no openings (issue c)
Show service penetrations that does not fully go through its compartmentation or fire seal (issue D)
Show service penetrations that is not fully covered by its compartmentation, fire seal or opening (issue E)
The rule results are arranged with two levels of categorisation. The first level categorises the floors where compartmentation have service penetrations. The second level then lists each compartmentation and its associated number of penetrations.
Each service penetration is assigned a number, then dependant on the option/s selected is then assigned the appropriate Issue code.
For illustration purposes you can see the associated results related to the activated options.
Where individual options are checked i.e. multiple rules created to separate the different conditions these will all have the same issue type.