Rule ID: SUK/1009/v2.3
Changes and improvements to the Fire Stopping rules may have an impact on any existing results, please take the time to review to the changes. See Update Log for BIM Coordination + Extension.
This article describes the Fire Stopping Opening and Thickness Rule that has been developed by Solibri UK Ltd as part of the BIM Coordination + Library.
The rule is available for Solibri Office or later via a Solibri Extension, which can be downloaded from the Solibri Solution Center.
The article covers the following topics:
Related articles:
The parameters in this rule must be defined by the user to give meaningful results.
This rule is used to check that each fire seal fits the associated wall or floor void perfectly along with ensuring that the fire seal is at least the thickness of the host wall or floor.
The rule finds all fire seal components on compartmentation walls and floors through their corresponding filters. The rule checks the top, bottom, and each side of the fire seal to ensure that the surface area touches 100% of the compartmentation void. The rule then checks to ensure the thickness of the fire seal is at least the thickness of the compartmentation.
In the Parameters view, you can define the walls, floors, and fire seals to check for opening and thickness requirements. Alternatively use a predefined Common Parameter Name configuration to consistently utilise the same values for parameters within multiple fire stopping rules, essentially configuring the values only once.
Although only the services and fire seals filters of these rules require users to set up classifications it is good practice to also use classifications for the compartmentation. The benefits are as follows:
To structure the model geometry allowing easy identification and visualization in the classification and providing a clear indication of what will be checked
Where present, Services and Fire Penetration Seals will require classification values to interact with the FireStoppingRequirements.xlsx spreadsheet
Parameters View
Please ensure that all elements are classified, or you have restricted the filter in the Settings tab of the Classification to limit the components to be classified.
The Fire Seals filter in this instance are using the operator Is Defined to filter all classified fire seals. This negates having to use the One of operator, ensuring that you have all fire seal values selected. Updates to the classification are also applied automatically.
In the Parameters View, you can define:
Common Parameters Name: The dropdown list displays the available pre-configured Common Parameter Names. Selecting a pre-configured value from the list automatically hides any common parameters and utilises the definitions in the named common parameter setup. Each filter or parameter controlled by the Common Parameter Name set up can be overridden if required using the override buttons and then configured manually within the rule. For common Parameter Name values see configuring the Common Parameter Rule.
Rule Parameters using Common Parameter Name
Walls filter: Defines the compartmentation walls to have fire seal opening and thickness requirements checked.
Floors filter: Defines the compartmentation walls to have fire seal opening and thickness requirements checked.
Fire Seals filter: Defines the fire seal components to have their positions checked.
Fire seal ID Property Reference: Specifies the property of the fire seal to categorise results by in the results view.
Enable Hollow Fire Seal: Activate check box to enable hollow fire seals to be processed correctly.
Example Hollow Fire Seal
The rule categorizes 3 types of critical () severity results by the Fire seal ID of the fire seal(s):
The fire seal does not touch 100% of the side surfaces of the void it is designed to fill.
The thickness of the fire seal is less than the thickness of the compartmentation.
The fire seal intersects with the compartmentation.
In addition, you can specify the severity classes according to your preferences and priorities in the Severity Parameters dialog. For example, you can filter specific fire seal components to have critical or low severity results based on their Fire Seal type.