This article describes how you can use the Hide and Show/Hide tools for hiding components in the 3D view. With the Show/Hide tool, you can also select to show specific components only. The article covers the following topics:
With the Hide tool, you can hide individual components or make a certain area transparent.
To hide a component with the Hide tool:
Select the Hide tool from the main toolbar:
Click the component(s) you wish to hide from view. To restore the visibility of components back to their default state, click in the main toolbar.
To use the Hide tool with multiple components, use the area selection method:
Place the mouse in a free area of the model. Click and hold the left mouse button (DO NOT move the mouse) for approximately one second.
A new icon appears. You can now drag and define an area to be made transparent:
Window: Move the mouse from left to right to invoke the 'window' selection method, where all components must be fully inside the rectangle to be hidden.
Crossing: Move the mouse from right to left to invoke the 'crossing' selection method, where all components can be inside or touching the rectangle to be hidden.
Release the left mouse button.
With the Show/Hide tool, you can collectively hide or show the following components in your model:
Suspended ceilings
Openings (in Solibri v9.13.3 or newer)
To collectively hide specific components in your model, use the Show/Hide tool options:
The tool contains a predefined set of common components that can be shown or hidden across the entire model. For example, all of the doors and windows can be hidden in the model, as shown below:
Spaces are coloured based on their RGB values from the appropriate authoring system:
When showing openings, toggling the Component Edge Lines ON/OFF in the 3D Rendering Settings changes the appearance:
We recommend NOT setting the Component Edge Line Thickness value to more than 1. Also, we recommend setting the value for Component Edge Line Transparency to 50 % or more.