Rule ID: SUK/1016/v2.3
Changes and improvements to the Fire Stopping rules may have an impact on any existing results, please take the time to review to the changes. See Update Log for BIM Coordination + Extension.
This article describes the Fire Stopping Common Parameter Rule that has been developed by Solibri UK Ltd as part of the BIM Coordination + Library.
The rule is available for Solibri Office or later via a Solibri Extension, which can be downloaded from the Solibri Solution Center.
The article covers the following topics:
Related articles:
The fire stopping rules utilise filters, classifications, property fields and file locations. This allows these 'common parameters' to be defined once and deployed across some or all of the relevant rules.
The configuration of the fire stopping rules are usually replicated specifying the same walls, floors, services, fire seals, classifications, parameters and requirements file. The Common Parameters rule allows you to define these parameters once to then utilise them from within each rule. The individual rules inherit the data from the selected common rule definition. This not only saves time when configuring rules, duplicating the same filters and parameters, but reduces the chance of configuration errors and allows global changes to be updated if changes are made to the the common parameters. For multiple definitions simply create a duplicate of this rule, change the settings and give the common parameters another name. On large projects where the model checking may be split simply use the common parameters to define the data in these specific sections.
Once specified in any of the other fire stopping rules the filters, classifications, property fields and locations are reduced to show inheriting from Common Parameter rule with the option to override.
The Distance rule utilising the Common Parameter Name
Activating the override on any section allows manual configuration of this part, but will also revert back to the original configuration if it was configured prior to choosing a Common Parameter rule.
Image showing the overridden value and the restore function.
To set the filter back to Common Parameters, click on he Restore button.
Configure the filters, classifications, properties and file locations and give the Common Parameters a name at the top of the rule. This will then be available for any of the other Fire Stopping rules.
Common Parameters Name: Specify a name for this specific configuration to be used in other Fire Stopping Rules.
Notify Changes: If changes are made to any of the sections of the Common Parameters rule, clicking the Notify Changes button will automatically rerun any rule that is utilising this definition when the model is next checked.
Walls Filter: Define the Compartmentation walls that will be used within the Fire Stopping rules.
Floors Filter: Define the Compartmentation floors that will be used within the Fire Stopping rules.
Services Filter: Define the services that will be processed.
Services Classification: Select the classification that contains the classified services that are defined in the services filter.
Fire Seals Filter: Defines the fire seal components.
Fire Seals Classification: Select the classification that contains the classified fire seal types that are defined in the fire seals filter.
Fire Seal ID Property reference: Specifies the property of the fire seal to categorize results by in the results view.
Fire Seal on Wall Reduction Tolerance: Defines the dimension that the fire seal (body for calculation) will be reduced by, either side in order to ensure services fully penetrate the fire seal.
Fire Seal on Floor Reduction Tolerance: Defines the dimension that the fire seal (body for calculation) will be reduced, both from the top and bottom to ensure services full penetrate the fire seal.
Models that may have been exported split by level or if service joins occur around the face of the fire seal, services will not fully penetrate the fire seal. Set a small value to effectively reduced the width (walls) or depth (floors) of the fire seal for successfully detecting services if required.
Fire seal depth reduced both sides by the Fire Seal on Wall Reduction Tolerance value - Used to ensure full penetration of services, not for other functions of the rule.
Fire seal depth reduced from the top / bottom by the Fire Seal on Floor Reduction Tolerance value - Used to ensure full penetration of services, not for other functions of the rule.
Enable Hollow Fire Seal: Activate check box to enable hollow fire seals to be processed correctly.
Example Hollow Fire Seal
Accessible Spaces Filter: Defines which spaces that the fire seal can be accessed from. Any other space or missing spaces will create an automatic inaccessible space.
Accessible Space Outward Range: Specifies the depth in front of the face of the fire seal to check for an accessible space. This checks automatically both the outward range and the depth of the fire seal to its associated building story level in order to check spaces against the filtered accessible spaces.
Use Custom Accessible Space Downward Range: Activate the option to specify a specific downward range detecting accessible spaces.
Accessible Space Downward Range: Enter value for distance to check downwards for accessible spaces.
Obstructions Filter: Define the components that are considered obstructions.
Angle Tolerance in Plan (degrees): Specify the angle value in degrees that determines a non perpendicular service in the plan.
Angle Tolerance in Elevation (degrees): Specify the angle value in degrees that determines a non perpendicular service in the elevation.
Angle Limit in Plan (degrees): Specify the angle limit value in degrees that determines a service that is outside the limit in plan for fire seals.
Angle Limit in Elevation (degrees): Specify the angle limit value in degrees that determines a service that is outside the limit in elevation for fire seals.
Fire Seal Colour: Option to specify a different fire seal colour.
Requirements File Path: Browse and select the spreadsheet (.xlsx) that contains the sheets used.
Generate classification names: Click to export all current values of classifications loaded within the model to the Classification Names sheet of the Requirements file specified.
Example of Classification Names automatically extracted from the current model.