If you are requested to insert a multi-factor authentication (MFA) code when trying to log into Solibri or Solution Center, it can be because of one of the following options:
Your credentials are incorrect. Please make sure that your email and password are correct. Type in the email and password instead of copying and pasting them, so you don't get any extra white spaces. You can also change your password (instructions).
The email you're using hasn’t been registered at all. You should be added to Solution Center by your account admin.
You haven't completed your account registration in a secure way by setting your initial password using the link send to you via email. Unfortunately, the initial email is sometimes treated as spam by some systems, so it happens that it's ignored by accident. Note that using the Forgot password? link and changing your password doesn't help in this case.
Please close the Solibri application before you proceed.
To complete the registration and solve the issue, please find the initial email sent by Solution Center to set your initial password using the user-specific link provided. Check that the email has not landed on your junk mail folder. Follow the link in the email and set the password. Now you should be able to log into Solibri and Solution Center with your credentials (using the new password). If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please contact us so we can send you a fresh registration link!
Before contacting us, check with your company's IT department that the noreply@solibri.com address has been whitelisted. Otherwise the registration link doesn't come through.