This article describes how an administrator can add new users to the company account in Solibri Solution Center.
When the account has been registered, you can start adding other users to it. Please remember to instruct all new users not to create a personal account on their own, since they should all be added or invited to the company account by the admin.
Each user will receive an email from Solibri with a link for setting their password. Please ask them to check that the email has not accidentally ended up in their spam folder. Also, please ensure that the address has been whitelisted. Setting the initial password via this link is mandatory, for it completes the registration in a secure way. If the user doesn't set their initial password correctly and use the Forgot password? link on the sign-in page instead, it's likely to cause issues when they start Solibri and sign in, or when they sign into Solution Center. A verification code (MFA, multi-factor authentication) is requested. The issue is resolved when they set the initial password. For more information on this, see here.
You can add users either individually or use an Excel sheet to add multiple users at once. If a user already has an account in SSC, you can invite them to join the company account. When you add an email address that is already being used elsewhere, you will be notified and can proceed to send them an invite to join this account.
Note that at this point you have one user pool, and all your licenses have been added to that pool.
This article covers the following topics:
A user can only belong to one Office and/or one Site pool at a time. If the company has both Solibri Site and Solibri Office licenses, at least two user pools are needed.
If the company has a lot of Solibri Anywhere users, you can create a separate user pool for them and select it as the Office user pool for the Solibri Anywhere users.
By filtering, you can search for a specific user or for example all the users in a specific user pool To filter the list of users, type the text into a cell on the first row and press Enter:
Go to the Users tab.
Click Add.
A form opens:
Enter the first name, last name and email address of the user. Users can have the same first and last names, but the email addresses need to be unique for each user.
Reporting identity (username, name, abbreviation, initials etc.) is shown in issue handling and reports exported in Solibri. As a default, the reporting identity is set to be the email address (=username) of the user.
Select a role for the user. By default, the user has a User role, even though the checkbox is not marked. If you want to select another role for the user, mark the Admin or Buyer checkbox.
If the user uses both Solibri Office and Solibri Site, select a separate pool for each product.
Select country from the drop-down menu. By default, the country is the one you have selected when you have registered the company.
Click Save. The user who has been added to the account will receive a registration email which contains a link to set their personal password. This is a mandatory step. Once the user has set the password, they can sign in to SSC.
If you are trying to add a user who already exists in SSC, you will receive a notification explaining that the user already exists in another account. To invite the user to join your account, click Yes:
When you click Yes, the user who has been invited to join the account will receive an email. The user needs to sign in to SSC using the email token and click Accept to join the account:
To download an Excel template, click the Download Excel Template link at the bottom of the page. An Excel template is downloaded.
Open the file and fill in the Excel sheet. The Excel sheet contains tips to enter the right information into each field. You need to fill in at least the First name, Last name, Username, License pool (=user pool) and Country fields for every user:
Each user needs to belong to at least one specific user pool. If the user uses both Solibri Office and Solibri Site, select a separate pool for each product. Separate the pools with a semicolon, for example OfficePool1; SitePool1.
By default, the users have a User role. If you wish to select another role, mark the cell in the Admin or Buyer columns with an x.
When you add users with the Excel sheet, you need to manually add the reporting identity of each user for the Excel import to work correctly.
Reporting identity (username, name, abbreviation, initials etc.) is shown in issue handling and reports exported in Solibri. By default, the reporting identity is set to be the email address (=username) of the user.
Save the Excel sheet.
To upload the Excel sheet, click Choose File, select the correct file and click Upload.
When the file has been uploaded, a dialog opens. Click Close:
You will receive a summary report of the upload by email.
When the Excel sheet has been uploaded, the added users will receive an email containing a link to set their personal password. This is a mandatory step. Once the users have set their password, they can sign in to SSC.
The users who have been invited to join the account will receive an email. They need to sign in to SSC using the email token and click Accept to join the account: